Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Intelligent Illusions..(contd)...!!!

             Hello again, Well, After all that perception of time and the good reviews I got from you guys, It is no wonder that it propels me to go further, bring out more of my thoughts after all I am just leaving them to be played by some electrons of silicon in some flip-flop of some chip in the mighty binary world out there. So let’s get on with it, this time, let us see what is the other sensational thing that bewilders us all the time. There are two things that have always fascinated me, Time and Light. I said about time and now let’s see Light.
                What is Light? What is darkness? Is there a thing called darkness or is it just an absence of Light? Is it only the light which brings luminescence? We feel it because light brings luminescence to us but is it the same for the entire living beings of universe? Definately not. We humans are receptive to light. We see what light shows us. But in physics, it is just a radiation with a certain frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum for which we are sensitive. May be other living beings in this earth or may be in some other planet may not be sensitive to light, they might be sensitive to x-rays or some other ray for that matter. It gets murkier the more I say about it.
             Let us see somewhere else now, Have you guys ever thought about the light travelling in the cosmos with certain speed and then it reaches us and we see the things around us. It takes 8 minutes for the light to reach from sun to earth. But does that mean we are seeing an 8 minutes older sun when it reaches our eyes? Does light carry time also with it? I mean to say if it is taking 8 minutes to travel from there to here? Is it just bringing the bringing the luminescence or the photograph of the present sun or the eight minute older one? The best definition for the light so far is that they are just packets of energy. But is that definition satisfactory enough? Let us try to discuss both the possibilities. First, Let us assume it is bringing the photograph of an 8 minutes older one that means all the stars which are from the other galaxies which we see in the night might be existing today or not because we are seeing a million year older stars, Isn’t it?
                 Well let us consider the other possibility too, may be it has taken so much time to come here but once it has reached our eye, it will bring luminescence of the present time there. Is it? Is Light the tunnel or the window to see that distant object? If it is true, then it feels to me that it is false too because let us assume it is tunnel which once reaches our eye will let us look at the present state of the star. Let’s for example assume some change happens there then that change can only be seen after a million years because that particular light needs a millions years to come from there to here? Isn’t it mind freaking if you think like this? To be honest, it freaks me out too.

                  After having a deep thought on this, My conclusion is that light carries time with it and we cant see what is happening now unless we wait for that time to reach us.
                  One more thing to say about light (a bit philosophical one), we human beings are the only creatures on this planet being privileged with the sight which no other creature has. That is only humans can see this colorful world. It is a different world for each creature here. For cows, it is only black and white and shades of these, For snakes it is infrared vision, For hyenas it is dim colors all together. So be gracious to God for allowing us see the world in all these vibrant colors we can see. Be gracious to be human and enjoy the Colorful world in the right way. There you go guys, Now it’s your job to give reviews on this blog so that I can write one more blog something like this or something else…!!!

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